Honor training

anyone worked yardage ting , on this yet , just started doing but finding hard . any help would be appreciated , or pm me in game

Stamina : 200
Emblem : adavanced.
It’s just preferance.
If any question or play together. any time pm me. tyvm.

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very hard : aim distance + look 150y more.
putter : x2 yard (ex. 10y put > put 20y)

if not habit. need all holes memo.
ex. if using 8 side skill, need click 4 side direction.

*use 8I aim, 5W or 3W hit.

on the strength is that hard or very hard my clubs seem to go longer , on those chips

seems this place dont think u been on , considering u was on 3 days ago

You can memo your distance from bunker. drop 1 game or more…