Maintenance again, starting in the middle of frenzy, why?

What u guys think of this, isnt it a joke? when it could start one hour after, and not kill our frenzys in half… do we get CC compensation, when maintenances happen, or those chit quick hot fixes, wich crashes frenzys as well? NO.

So enough of this joke, dont u think?

I demand CC compensations for this, anytime u cut my frenzy in half (= lost day ), or that maintenances, wich we all know, are really useless, start after frenzy.

Any1 feeling the same, please share ur toughts, and i implore u guys, do not buy more CC on this chit game, untill they start taking any sort of care about us.

Sincerely, to all but developers, have a nice day :wink:

I think you need to get a job

btw, has this idiot been baned as well? not that i really care, but to know ur logic, SO devs, u geniuses…in fact u did me a favour, better if ya ban me in game also next time :wink:

and that u answered me on DQA in SO web, that u r eally need that full maintenance, to “fix bugs” and such, when we both know u never do that… u just have very big balls guys

now u can ban again, and think u done something usefull, u nobel price deserving award collection of devs… or actually fix some, for once