[INT] Feedback Event 2023

What be good
1-Make so when buying CCs too make it the same for eveyone all over the world, as 99% of games do this. This would Actually increase more the bottom line
2- Put a limited on prices in Auction, this has been asked by many before
3- get rid of non house courses in MM…AKA like Sky…Fens etc
4- Alot of people are get sick of the same boing Events for prizes that are no use or out of date by 10 years
5- Been able to earn honor points
6- up date item mall…aka be able to buy legend or master master clubs and legend clothing AA ball markers, group 1 level 0 clothing. this would actully increase the bottom line for company. have the club in a box, so when it opens it will choose a course.
7- have the CC sales longer that a couple of days. have it for week
8- bring in new characters too play with and make that the clothing can be used on any character

What’s up,

Would love to see some more interaction from the SOM’s to the community. Many of them simply log in to collect their monthly pay and then ignore the community. Clear house and create a new team of people who want to help (one being Bruno!! he is great resource). I mean a new CM would be cool as well, can’t be worse than our savior of the previous. We are going on nearly a year without having one on the INT server, please get to hiring.

Would be nice to see you guys come out with some new clubs. The best irons in the game are from so many years ago, and all the new clubs are just duplicates of the previous series.

Would love to see the ability to skin a new legend club into a historic look. Example of this would be Blast G Irons skinned to look like Tempest/Hurricane irons. This feature should allow the Blast effects (ex. 6.5% birdie PGI) to be equipped to the Tempest/Hurricane irons.

Let’s have a good year and lots of new features.

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I would like to say a couple of things, one is about the auction site, where the search engine for auctioned items works horribly wrong. And another thing is please pay more attention to fashion and dresses.

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I would like to see St. Bay redone also some modifications to star greens are needed. I would like to see more mission events also. I like the last events for Christmas. I also noticed that some of the tee boxes are un even. I would like to see more mags and theurs in pleta boxes other than just swing trainers, and, gems, and, pins.

  • Frenzy: Times are not good for everyone. 1 week i can’t play any frenzy times during the week. The other week 1 and sometimes 2. Suggestion: Give 2 daily tickets to activate frenzy by yourself, so everyone will have the same benefit
  • SOMS: There are a couple of SOMS who are not acting like SOMS. Some are selfish and with issues some are not neutral. Should look into it and make replacements for those who are not acting like a SOM

He jugado este juego por años y me gustaría solucionen los errores de desconexión de servidor que cada vez son mas frecuentes y perjudican a los jugadores en toda clase de eventos, Sowc, League, Matching Mode etc.
También sería bueno ver quien esta en lista de juego cuando se esta en una sala aguardando a iniciar la ronda.
Tener la posibilidad de comprar con NG membresías Gold de 3 días, ya que por políticas monetarias de algunos países nos es imposible acceder a la compra de Campus Credit.
Mejorar la respuesta a los reclamos de los jugadores

2023 returnee event
2024 more lockers, ng nad caddie events

Severin-13 (SOM)

after the test which was carried out with the open tour
at 2 p.m. (Paris time) for EWCs
it would be good for this to be permanently implemented in order to allow CEE players to adapt to this schedule and to be impartial with the US

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Hello SO, good day~

  1. non tradable item + non tradable item > tradable item.

  2. low % item can dissemble and combine high % item (Mag, Theu, Goe, Swing)

  3. Emma lv 30’s Adv token(15%) can combine to high.
    (5ea 15% > 1ea 20%, 5ea 20% > 1ea 25% and more)

  4. mm shorten, point much. (most user only do mm like work. no good effect)

  5. G2 mpmp > stack system like hecate. (use 30ea over G2, can’t make mpmp lol)

  6. NG events : at least 1day a month (150%), 1day a season(200%).

  7. Wanna see others shot&skill position at “stroke mode&4some mode” (Including AI)

  8. Wanna do Relay mode at “miniature game”

  9. Hope NG(18hole, a day) +1 round ticket like miniature +10 ticket at Freya.

  10. Easily write title like “BRB” “Not on Seat” “Working” at square.

  11. Few mp mp club at AH. need to increase mp mp club for more user using legend club. (put mp mp club at CC store)

  12. Guild love quest reward. 15% swing need to change. (ex. 60% swing x3)
    (some special item let user buy memberships and join guild)

  13. Honor Train : wanna increase exp rate. (5% a game or more)

  14. Honor Train : amblem’s combine rate too low. wanna increase rate.
    (Just got 1 adv for 12months. lol)

  15. Weather Selection : mentioned above, how about let user select weather?
    (sunny, cloudy, rain, snow, random) more XP, NG, drop rate, more hard.
    It’s good for all user, I think. for beginner, for pro, for honor and for legend.

**Simple is best. SO have so many system, but few know that… -Candela21

Make it possible to move items trough bags in Jewelry pouch.

Thank you very much for operating Shotonline.
I’ve been enjoying Shotonline for over 10 years.
As the number of high-level players increases, we understand that you are having a hard time maintaining and expanding the game.
I would like to express my sincere respect to you.
We would also like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to provide feedback.
My suggestions are as follows.

1. Real prizes
How about adding real prizes such as balls'', marks’‘, and ``towels’’ with Shotonline’s LOGO to the prizes of some tournaments?
However, I think that good players will come to the top every time, so if you hit 10th, 100th, 200th, 300th, etc. other than 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, I think the number of participants will increase.
Also, if more people use real prizes in real golf, I think the number of new Shotonline players who see them will increase.
Furthermore, since there are players from all over the world, I think the shipping costs for the prizes should be borne by the players. People who want it want it by all means, even if it costs shipping.

2. Add course to SOGAtour
Add Altheim, Fensalir, Gladsheim, Forneus, and Hela.
I feel like I’m getting into a bit of a rut with the same courses and settings.

3.Revival of guild tournaments
This was a lot of fun and the guild got excited.
However, since it’s all over the world, deciding what time to start is a problem.

4.Adjust the start time of Personal Macth
If possible, please adjust the start time of Personal Macth, which is 5 times a day, to every 5 hours. It is also a good idea to change the start time when there are extremely few participants.

Thank you very much for your time.
Looking back, I feel nostalgic for the days when there were semi-professional exams and top professional exams, but I’m not saying I want them to be reinstated.
I think Shotonline is a really well-made golf game that everyone can enjoy, no matter their level or status.
We wish Shotonline continued development in the future.


Hello SOmmunity!

We are pleased to announce the winners of our Feedback Event
Congratulations to winners who provided thoughtful feedbacks!
Your valuable input is greatly appreciated, and we extend our appreciation to everyone who participated.


The CC and participation rewards will be sent within 7 working days after the announcement.
Additionally, please be aware that while we strive to consider and address all feedback received,
winning this event does not gurantee that every suggestion will be implemented.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to continuing to show engagement in our community.

Thanks for sharing your valuable voice!

Shot Online Team