Shot.exe file does not exist

Bonjour à tous
Depuis la mise à jour du 26/11 je ne peux plus relancer le jeu sur mon ordi. J’ai essayé de désinstaller, réinstaller rien n’y fait. Lorsque je clique sur “game start” il apparait une fenêtre “shot.exe file does not exist”. Quelqu’un peut-il m’aider svp ? Merci d’avance

I do not understand French, but saw "“shot.exe file does not exist” on your post and I am getting same problem which stops me starting game. Did you find a solution to this problem?. If so what was it?. many thanks Shankytee

Hi Shankytee
yes I’ve found the problem. It came from my firewall “Avast” which was on after the update. If you have one you must disactivate it … Or approove an exception for Shot on line. Hope my english was not too bad ^^

Can anyone help getting round this problem please? Thanks

Hi stephneuf, thanks for replying. I switched my Windows firewall off and it seems to have worked, so once again thankyou. Happy Xmas Tony.